The Interreg MED Programme published the final evaluation results for the modular and horizontal projects submitted at the end of 2015.
The Euroregion achieved an excellent result because the modular project BleuTourMed_C3, led by Arco Latino, has been selected for funding. The Euroregion will support, together with other partners, the implementation of the project focused on the capitalization and communication of the modular projects of axis 3.1 on sustainable tourism in MED area.
Last but not least, the Euroregion is also involved as external associated partner in two other projects PANACeA (Horizontal project of Axis 3.2 on Protected Areas) and InnoBlueGrowth (Modular project of Axis 1 on Blue Growth).
It is worth noting that the Euroregion will be involved with a large number of Mediterranean partners and external stakeholders in these 3 projects working in crucial fields such as sustainable and maritime tourism, environment blue growth and ICZM. The projects will deliver useful outputs and tools that will be available for the members of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion.
The description of BleuTourMed_C3 project is available here.
As first step of the projects the Interreg Med Programme has met the modular and horizontal projects on 8-9 November in Nice (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region) in a first information meeting with the approved projects. The implementation phase of the projects will start before the end of the year 2016.
The partnership of BleuTourMed_C3 has attended the event in Nice to start to develop the relationship between the programmes and the modular project partners. The objective is now to create a community of projects that will be able to exchange information effectively reaching a wide critical mass in the MED area.
Next step, a kick-off, dedicated to the Community of projects on sustainable tourism, will be organised by BleuTourMed_C3 partnership in Marseille (France) in March 2017.