Extract from the AIE Statute

Article 24 – The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the executive body of AIE and it has 8 members. The former Presidents of the AIE are “ex officio” members of the Committee.

Executive Committee is elected by the Assembly for a term of two years.

It consists of the eight members, the president and vice president of AIE are “ex officio” members of the Committee, the President of AIE is the President of the Committee, and Vice President Position of AIE is the Vice President of the Committee, while the rest are elected from the membership of AIE.

Article 25 – Liability of Executive Committee

The Executive Committee reports to the Assembly within the limits of the powers and duties entrusted to it.

The Executive Committee and each of its members can be revoked if:

  • fails to fulfill obligations set forth in this Statute;
  • acting contrary to the provisions of this Statute and guidelines determined by the Assembly. Individual member of Steering Committee shall terminate if the unit of territorial self-government, which is no longer a member AIE.

Article 26 – Tasks of Executive Committee

  • ensures the implementation of this Statute, other acts and guidelines determined by the Assembly;
  • lays down the proposal of the financial plan and annual financial reports;
  • carries out financial plan, cares about the proper use of funds and the adoption of implementing decisions;
  • organizes and coordinates cooperation with other organizations;
  • submits an annual report on the work;
  • proposes to the Assembly of the liquidator;
  • proposes the amount of compensation to the liquidator in the liquidation;
  • follows the work of commissions and considers their proposals;
  • regulates and organizes publishing and informational activities of the Association;
  • states the organization of performing professional activities of the Association and adopts the respective acts;
  • establishes professional committees, commissions and other bodies to help achieve the objectives of the Association;
  • performs tasks entrusted to him by the Assembly necessary for a regular functioning of the Association, using already existing structures that work in the field of cross-border cooperation.

Article 27 – Sessions of Executive Committee

Executive Committee regularly meets at least once every six months and, as a rule, each time in a different member.

The session may be held if the majority of members of Executive Committee, and valid decisions shall be taken by a majority vote of the Committee members.

Notice of the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be sent 30 days before the meeting.

The Executive Committee shall be convened by the President of the Association for its decision, or at the request of Vice President, or when requested by one third of the members of the Executive Committee or the Supervisory Board.

If a member is unable to attend the session, may authorize a third party with the right to vote. One person may have a power of attorney.

Exceptionally, at the proposal of the President AIE, Meeting of the Committee may be held electronically or by correspondence via e-mail, when warranted by special circumstances that may cause damage to an individual member or AIE as a whole.

Thus, decisions of Steering Committee of AIE should be subsequently verified.

Article 28 – Revocation of the Executive Committee

Executive Committee, the President and Vice President, the Assembly of AIE may resolve before the expiry of the mandate if they exceeded their powers, do not fulfill their duties conscientiously and call for their dismissal before the expiration of the term for which they were elected.

If it dismisses the entire Executive Committee, the Assembly at the same meeting elects a new full term Committee, and if it dismisses individual members of Steering Committee, the Assembly shall elect new members of Executive Committee for the time until expiry of the term of the present Committee.

Executive Committee and each of its members are responsible to the Assembly.

Each member of Executive Committee can ask for his dismissal before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, provided that he is obliged to perform his duties until the decision on dismissal. The Assembly shall make a decision on the request for dismissal on the first session.