The project ADri.EuR.O.P. aims to offer operational support (in technical-administrative terms) to the political process for the establishment of an institutional body of the Adriatic Euroregion (AE), created in order to promote development to be coordinated and integrated in territories in the Adriatic regions.
The project ADri.EuR.O.P. aims to realize the activities necessary for the start-up of the Adriatic Euroregion in the short term. The main activities, which will be integrated and shall be implemented by all partners, can be outlined as follows:
- Support to work coordination between the cross-border bodies involved in the AE project.
- Relationships with international European bodies and institutions.
- Establishment of technical-administrative service structures.
- Start up of AE organization structural processes in the phase of being established
- Assessment of the “in itinere” situation regarding the AE sectors of interest.
- Strategic and Governance design on which to realize the EA structure
- Communications and information strategies
ADri.EuR.O.P. is an integrated project financed by the Adriatic New Neighbourhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE 2000-2006 under Priority 3 (Action of Strengthening of Cooperation), Measure 3.2 (“Cooperation and Strengthening in Communications, Research and Systems Harmonization between Institutions” ) for the creation of service structures in order to promote activities between Adriatic partners of the AE and encourage the relationships between the latter and the European Union and establish a network of local bodies (municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, local bodies., universities, research centres, etc).
The project involves 9 partner: the 7 Adriatic Italian Regions, the Istria Region and the Municipality of Kotor.
The indirect beneficiaries of the project are all the local bodies and the organizations presents in all the territories of the AE which can benefit of the project’s results.