Techera project objectives and main activities have been presented during the Final Transnational Networking Event of the Ariel plus project, held in Split (Crotia) on the 25 th of August 2022.
The event was hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IoF) in cooperation with the Public Institution RERA SD for coordination and development of Split Dalmatia County to discuss the results of the Adrion Plus project.
The Ariel plus project is part of the Thematic Cluster on Blue Growth and related Smart Growth of the ADRION Programme capitalization strategy aimed to promote the cooperation among 10 related funded projects under Ionian Adrion framework, to examine common synergies and to investigate new ideas for next programming period.
he Ariel plus project partners presented several ideas and common priorities to foster sustainable aquaculture and small-scale fisheries in the next programming period. The knowledge shared and the networking with TECHERA – represented by the partner Marche Agriculture Fisheries – Agency for Innovation in the Agri-food and Fisheries sector – was very useful to identify common challenges towards a sustainable development of blue economy with reference to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
More info here: