The coordination meeting of the Med Cooperation Alliance took place in Barcelona on 24 April 2019 hosted by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The representatives of the CPMR/Intermediterranean Commission, Euro-Region Pyrenees Mediterranean, Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, Arco Latino and MED Cities join to the meeting for discussing the state of play and future perspective of the Med Cooperation Alliance.
The networks discus on the practical objectives of the Alliance and on how to communicate and give visibility to the initiative. They also agreed on future joint actions such as pilot/strategic projects, events and priority advocacy actions. The partners evaluate as positive the opportunity to find new adhesions for the alliance.
The AIE Secretary Francesco Cocco has participated in the meeting giving his contribution in deciding joint strategic actions for the initiative.
The Med Cooperation Alliance is a new strategy put in place by long-standing local and regional partners of the MED area to promote the sustainable and integrated territorial development of the Mediterranean basin.
More information: News on Mediterranean Cooperation Alliance
Med Cooperation Alliance Declaration in all languages (EN, FR, CAT, ES, IT)