The High-Level Conference on “The Role of the Youth Guarantee in the Implementation of the Structural Fund Programmes 2014-2020” is organised by Molise Region together with the CRPM and Formez Pa, under the auspices of the Italian EU Presidency, with the aim at offering a full picture of the youth employment situation in the EU by discussing on-going trends and practical options for implementing the Youth Guarantee and investigating potential synergies with European Structural and Investment Funds.
Particular attention will be paid to the contribution of the CPMR regions which have successfully implemented strategies to reduce youth unemployment rates and invest in soft-infrastructure, such as human capital development. The conference will also be the right place to discuss what is the best way to deal with more specific issues also at the core of the Youth Guarantee such as early school leaving or how to boost and support youth entrepreneurship.
The added value of this event is to bring together speakers and participants with very diverse backgrounds, namely local, regional and national public administration, European decision makers, international organisations, NGOs and private sector representatives. The idea is to involve all concerned actors in this important discussion attempting to define widely accepted solutions to this common problem by pooling European, national and regional resources.
Meeting venue: EX-GIL PALACE- Molise Cultura Foundation, Via Milano 15 – 86100 Campobasso