The BLUE KEP project is a mobility exchange programme aimed at enhancing the framework conditions for innovating the “blue value chain” through territorial cooperation between Italy and Croatia. Financed under the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme 2014-2020, the project is coordinated by the Informest Agency and involves the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, the Marche Region, the Istria Region, the Šibenik County Development Agency and the Agency for the coordination and development of Split Dalmatia County.

Its main objective is provide international mobility, training and apprenticeship opportunities for 39 students selected from accredited nautical/maritime technical schools of the cooperation area.

After launching the call for schools and getting through the assessment and accreditation procedure, the project partnership is glad to announce the list of accredited schools that will be involved in the mobility exchange programme.  12 schools were accredited: 3 in the Marche Region, 3 in the Šibenik-Knin county, 4 in the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia Region, 1 in the Istria Region and 1 in the Split Dalmatia County.

Next September, the 12 schools will be matched and will sign cooperation agreements that will pave the way to the creation of international modules to be added into schools’ ordinary curricula as well as common schemes for student’s assessment and mutual recognition of formal and non formal competences.  To this end, a workshop for teachers will be organized by the Istria Region in Pula, and it will include a study visit in the accredited school.

So stay tuned for updates about the BLUE KEP activities. Need more insight on the accredited schools? Here’s a list by selecting BLUE KEP partner.

Italian Schools 

ITIS “Montani” – Fermo 

IIS “Volterra-Elia” – Ancona

IIS P. “Fazzini-Mercantini” Grottammare

ISIS “Brignoli Einaudi Marconi” – Gradisca D’Isonzo

ITI “Malignani” – Udine

ISIS Nautico “Tomaso Di Savoia Duca Di Genova” – Trieste

En.A.I.P. “Pasian Di Prato” – Udine

Croatian Schools  

Industrijsko-obrtnička Škola Šibenik

Prometno – Tehnička Škola Šibenik

Tehnička Škola Šibenik

Tehnička Škola – Pula

Pomorska Škola – Split