The MED Sustainable Tourism Community will gather on 27-28 March in Split, Croatia, to work together towards the drafting of the policy recommendations.
The event “Towards Policy Recommendations on Sustainable Tourism: Shaping the Results of the MED Community” will be organised by the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion in the framework of the BleuTourMed Project (Interreg Med Programme).
The event is divided in:
Workshop #1, Participants will work on how to shape their results in view of the Community final conference scheduled for 5-6 June in Barcelona, Spain. Modular Projects will have the opportunity to identify priorities of capitalisation actions and how to harmonise their final and most important tangible outputs as a Community. They will present the established synergies and the follow-up activities of their projects towards the end of the testing period and the beginning of the capitalization and transferring period.
Workshop #2, facilitated by the Capitalisation team with the support of four external experts, will be oriented towards the finalisation of the “policy factsheets” of the four Working Groups, composed by modular projects representatives, capitalisation experts from the modular projects, external experts, and policy-makers. This workshop is the final step of the activities of the Working Groups, who met for the first time in Marseille and via two webinars, which will contribute to the production of the policy recommendations to be presented at the final conference of the Community.
The Community will continue the work on strategic topics of the Mediterranean tourism sector:
- Monitoring the sustainability of tourism: what are the knowledge gaps of policy-making processes? How to bridge the data gaps on tourism?
- Reducing the environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism in the Mediterranean region
- Tourism as a strategic driver for a sustainable and responsible economic growth and prosperity in the Mediterranean region
- Governance mechanisms to engage and to include a wide variety of stakeholders in a more sustainable and responsible tourism
Cornaro Hotel, Sinjska 6, 21 000 Split, Croatia
More information on Interreg Med website