A week of exchanges and meetings dedicated to connecting the dots for Interreg EURO Med projects.
As part of two Interreg Euro-MED goverance projects, Community4Tourism and Dialogue4Innovation, the Secretariat of the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion took part on 21 and 22 November in Ljubljana in the annual event “Connecting the Dots: The path to a smarter and greener Mediterranean” organized by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme and the Slovenian Presidency.
The event brought together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to discuss and shape the future of governance of the region. The aim of the event was to initiate institutional dialogue between different organisations and the 8 governance projects in the Mediterranean and beyond in order to strengthen networks and encourage collaboration.
The event was also a good opportunity for the Euroregion and the two mentioned projects to meet the partners and the associated partners and to prepare the activities in 2024. During the event, the Interreg Euro-MED Programme has also communicated the list of the approved thematic projects.
In the framework of the main Programme annual event, the four Institutional Dialogue Projects, among them Dialogue4Innovation (coordinated by Emilia Romagna region and with the Euroregion in the partnership) have organized on 21st November in the morning the joint workshop “Interreg Euro-MED Missions for a Mediterranean Green Deal. Effective synergies: starting with the right foot”. The purpose was to start-up an open discussion between the four Institutional Dialogue Projects (IDPs) and representatives of key target groups at the European and Mediterranean levels and to gain an understanding of the respective needs and expectations, and to establish the foundation for potential collaboration.
As back to back event, the Community4Tourism Project held its 1st Joint Annual Forum on 22 November. Andrea Di Girolamo (AIE Project officer) contributed to the organisation of this event by presenting to around 40 participants the transferring purpose of the project, as well as the architecture of the Mediterranean Clusters that will be constituted by the project in 2024. The Mediterranean Cluster will be aimed to promote the dissemination of the thematic project results beyond the partnership and the community of projects itself.
Mission for Sustainable Tourism: 1st Annual Forum in Ljubljana.