The Midterm Conference, organized by BleuTourMed project in Rome (Italy) on 29-30 May 2018, is the first capitalization event of the MED Sustainable Tourism Community.


The aim of the event is to present the state-of-play of the implementation of the projects involved in the community and to discuss the preliminary recommendation of the Med Community coming from the projects’ first results. It will focus on the adequacy between monitoring processes and management practices to improve the sustainability of tourism models trying to answer to 2 main questions:

1. Monitoring the sustainability of tourism: what are the knowledge gaps of policy-making processes? How to bridge the data gaps on tourism?
2. How to manage environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism in the Mediterranean region?

Participants will interact in moderated discussions divided in 3 main panels and a high level round-table, in order to influence policy makers and transferring their results through main recommendation as well as to create learning opportunities.

The conference is divided in the following pannels:

High Level Roundtable – WHEN IS TOURISM REALLY WELCOME? Political and economic solutions to make tourism sustainable
Panel 1 – EVIDENCES FOR BETTER POLICIES: monitoring the sustainability of tourism to inform the policy-making process
Panel 2 – BEYOND THE SEA-SAND-SUN MODEL: an integrated vision of tourism pressure to support territorial development strategies
Panel 3 – WHAT SHOULD WE CHANGE? Innovative management and planning strategies for sustainable tourism

The secretatariat of the Euroregion, as partner of BleuTourMed project will moderate the pannel 3.

To get more information and updated agenda, see the project website

Registration is open until May 20, 2018