4Pillars project wants to pave the way for an on-going and structured engagement on the part of a wide range of stakeholders to favour a broaden the sense of ownership of the Strategy and its Action Plan.

One of the main goals of 4Pillars project is to develop and implementing indicators in order to evaluate the data collected through the surveys to provide a monitoring system to the EUSAIR Governance system at the level of participating countries, in addition 4Pillars, in line with the EUSAIR Governance structure needs, will boost activities at a greater scale in terms of partnership at different governance level – local, regional, national – with the aim to draft a policy paper with “recommendations” derived from all outputs able to propose concrete orientations related to the multilevel governance for potential initiatives in order to strengthen the Adriatic Ionian territorial cooperation. All relevant outputs and results will be presented to a wider audience in particular young people and students and creative and cultural operators and discussed with the European Commission, EUSAIR Governing Board and TSGs as a key contribution towards the further implementation of the strategy.

The project wants to support the building of knowledge base, including collection of reliable and comparable data for each pillar and method and feasibility studies to make feasible interchange of data among different existing database and data sources, providing the necessary tools to facilitate pro-active and informed decision-making. 4Pillars will establish a database of stakeholders, and an e-learning service, open to any interested stakeholders to allow dissemination easily and quickly results from all previous programming period and future projects contents towards the new governance system of the EUSAIR and to address stakeholders questions/needs.

Specific objectives 4PILLARS capitalization project:

– carrying out feasibility studies for the implementation of the EUSAIR actions as far as concerns tools and methodology for monitoring and engagement of the stakeholders capitalizing previous project results;

– creating synergies among projects and partners and build up a network among national, regional and local authorities, associations from civil society and private business sector in order to strengthen and enlarge their capacities to impact EUSAIR implementation;

– cherishing youth events among school of the Adriatic area for a wide spreading of EUSAIR and conduct a survey towards the pupils and young participants as to elaborate a research on Macroregion perspective in young generation.