The project is organised with 9 Workpackages (WPs) intended to carry on specific work and produce tangible results. Each WP is coordinated by one partner therefore all partners are involved in achieving the objectives of the project.


WP 1 – Coordination of Project.

WP 2 – Training Activities

WP 3 – Definition of a shared knowledge framework in the AE fields of interest. Final event.

WP 4 – Acknowledgement and systematization of the main cooperation interventions and representations in the AE regions. Organizing the dissemination of project results.

WP 5 – Setting up learning workshops and networks on regional development policies.

WP 6 – Assessment and perspectives of the new proximity policy in the Adriatic area

WP 7 – Oriented definition of strategic view and shared objectives for the Adriatic Euroregion

WP 8 – Partnership of area

WP 9 – Exchange of personnel at institutional level