The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion (AIE) is organising an online workshop within the framework of the proADAS initiative. The online workshop will take place on 17 July 2020 from 2 pm to 4 pm through the gotowebinar platform.
The ProADAS, acronym of “promotion of Active Digital Ageing Skills”, is a 24 months Erasmus+ project involving 7 partner organisations across 6 European countries. The project aims at tackling the gap between the ageing population and digital literacy and addresses the high necessity for digital key competences. The project has designed and created a number of innovative methods and supporting open educational digital tools tailored to the characteristics and needs of European elderly.
The online workshop will share and disseminate the project’s intellectual outputs (the preliminary research paper, the handbook, e-learning courses available via the proADAS platform). During the event, the organisers will gather the feedback and opinion of participants, which will be collected in a final publication.
If you are an adult trainer, a social worker, a psychologist or medical/nursing staff working with senior patients, or if you are aged more than 60, you might be interested in attending the online workshop and in discovering the proADAS platform and its tools.
You can register up until July 16 at this REGISTRATION LINK and download the agenda: proADAS_ Workshop Agenda_hr
17. Srpnja, od 14:00 do 16:00
U ovim teškim vremenima ne bismo smjeli zaboraviti na starije građane i promicanje njihova tjelesnoga i mentalnog zdravlja. Stoga, ako ste instruktuor za odrasle, socijalni radnik, psiholog ili pripadate liječničkome ili sestrinskome osoblju koje radi sa starijim građanima, ili ako imate više od 60 godina, ova besplatna radionica je za vas. U okviru Erasmus+ projekta proADAS (promotion of Active Digital Ageing Skills) Jadransko Jonske Eurorejie organizaciji ove besplatne online radionice s ciljem informiranja osoba o aktivnome starenju i digitalnim vještinama starijih osoba te ih upoznavaju s BESPLATNOM INTERNETSKOM PLATFORMOM koja obuhvaća raznovrsne teme poput: a) mentalnoga zdravlja i mentalnih bolesti u starijih osoba (npr. demencija, depresija itd.) i metoda prevencije, reguliranosti liječenja i rehabilitacije; b) problema s padovima i štetnih posljedica; c) kardiovaskularnih bolesti: prevencije – liječenja – rehabilitacije; d) prehrane i tjelovježbe među starijim osobama; e) uporabe tehnologije i vještina učenja među starijim osobama.
Registrirajte se sada na: REGISTRACIJA
Agenda: proADAS_ Workshop Agenda_hr