The Veneto Region will host in Rovigo, at the Accademia dei Concordi, on 10th September 2008, the final conference of the project Interreg III A Italia – Adriatico/NPPA “Adri.Eur.O.P.”; , during which the outputs and results of “Adri.Eur.O.P.”’ will be presented. The Conference will also represent a relevant opportunity to analyze prospects of future and sustainable cooperation in the Adriatic area.
Download all the documentation concerning the event.
The final Conference of the project Adri.Eur.O.P. implemented by the Croatian partners will take place on the 31st September and 01st October 2008 in Rovinj, the Region of Istria (Croatia).
The intention is to group political and technical personality of the regions AE members in way to discuss and proactively take part of the future projects of the association that are going to candidate to the IPA Adriatic – Cross boarder cooperation program.
The conference will be organized in form of concise presentations and a series of the round tables dedicated to the priorities individuated by the 5 thematic Commissions.
Press release nr. 3/Adrieurop 15 February 2008
The communication experts of the Adriatic Euroregion met in Bari for the second Joint Planning Workshop organized by the Mediterranean Councillorship of the Region Apulia and financed trough the project ADRI.EUR.O.P. The aim: draft a communication strategy plan in order to inform the broad public on the Adriatic Euroregion’s potentials.
The communication experts of the Adriatic Euroregion met in Bari from the 13th – 15th February for the second joint planning work shop, organized by Region Apulia and financed through the project ADRI.EUR.O.P. The aim: draft a communication strategy plan in order to inform the broad public on the Adriatic Euroregion’s potentials. The WS represented the final next step in order to achieve the communication plan.
The second Joint Planning workshop took place in Bari from the 13th – 15th February. It was organized by the Mediterranean Councillorship from the Apulian region and financed trough the project ADRI.EUR.O.P. (Interreg Adriatic trans-boarder co-operation NPPA).
The main objective was to draft a Joint Communication Plan which would include all project partners from all regions and country’s on the east Adriatic in order to inform the broad public about Adriatic Euroregion’s goals and potentials.
ADRI.EUR.O.P represents the “first joint initiative” of the Adriatic Euroregion aimed to realize an over national development project, starting from the creation of the Communication group which will have the task to realize a connection network between the partners, and make a coordination of the events and promotional initiatives. Three are the main missions: to valorize the Adriatic area from the socioeconomic, cultural and turistic aspect; to structure the Adriatic identity using effectively the project funds in order to disseminate proper information’s; to improve selfconciousness and the sense of belonging to the Adriatic.
The second workshop made an additional step ahead towards defining the Plan, the Communication group and the basic operative structure (Press office, experts, informatic technicians and linguists) in charge to monitor the different initiatives and to disseminate informations, coordinating at the same time the work of each communicator in different member regions.
Press release nr. 2/Adrieurop 16 November 2007
An important step for the implementation ADRI.EUR.O.P project was realised in Bari (Italy) by Apulia Region and the other project Partners. The I^ edition of the Joint Planning Workshop was implemented by the Mediterranean Councillorship.
Three days of intense confrontation and work among the partners of ADRI.EUR.O.P project were realised in Bari within the “Joint Planning Workshop”; implemented by the Mediterranean Councillorship.
The main objective of the workshop was to involve all partners into the operational start up of the Adriatic Euroregion: an interesting model of cross border co-operation aimed to support the integrated development of the Adriatic Countries.
Formally set up a year ago in Pula (Croatia), nowadays the Adriatic Euroregion can rely on 23 members, among local, regional and national governments (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania); in order to actually be operative, the Adriatic Euroregion needs the development of joint strategies and actions. And this is the aim of the ADRI.EUR.O.P. partnership and project, and the related commitment of Apulia Region, whose specific aim is the setting up of a cross border Communication Staff, for the identification and realisation of the communication and promotion activities of the Adriatic Euroregion.
The meeting in Bari was an important step toward this direction, leading to the constitution of a “Network of Communicators” – composed by referents of Apulia, Molise, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo, Marche, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Montenegro (Kotor Municipality), and Croazia (Istria Region) and Albania. The Network of Communicators are editing the Communication Plan and jointly realise the foreseen actions.
The “Joint planning process” is the method used for the implementation of the workshop: it is applied using brainstorming and visualisation techniques, with the aim to exploit and defend “the Adriatic Heritage” common to all Regions laying on the Adriatic Sea.
The II^ edition of the workshop will be held in Bari next February 2008, but meanwhile a follow up on the core themes is guaranteed by the on-line communication
Press release n. 1/Adrieurop 8 November 2007
Apulia Region is in the front-line with “ADRI.EUR.O.P” project, with the aim to support the setting up process of the Adriatic Euroregion. A workshop is going to be held in Bari on 12, 13 and 14 November 2007, for the start up of the Joint Planning Communication Plan.
The co-operation process with the transborder Adriatic Coast drove Apulia Region to support the setting up of the Adriatic Euroregion, which was officially established in June 2006.
23 among national and local Governments of Adriatic Countries (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania) are, nowadays, members of the Adriatic Euroregion.
The Euroregion is an interesting model of transborder and interregional co-operation, aimed to promote an integrated and joint development of the involved areas.
“ADRI.EUR.O.P” Project was submitted and funded with the aim to provide operational support to the political process, and one of its main foreseen activities is the setting up of a transborder communication staff, an actual Network of Euroadriatic Editorial Offices, who will identify and implement joint strategies and activities of communication and promotion of the Adriatic Euroregion.
In fact, in order to get to this point, all partners have to agree a common information, communication and promotion strategy. And this is the scope of the I^ edition of the Joint Planning Workshop to be held in Bari by the Regional Mediterranean Councillorship from the 12 to the 14 November 2007, at the Sheraton Nicolaus Hotel.
All communication referents of the transborder partner Regions (Apulia, Molise, Abruzzo, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Kotor Municipality (Montenegro), Istrian Region (Croatia) and Albania are expected to attend the workshop and to be involved into the “joint planning process” which will lead to the final edition of the Communication Plan, common and shared among all project partners.