The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion is implementing the webinar “A more Connected EU”, the fourth of a series of events organised in the context of Youth for Cohesion project.
The webinar will take place on 06/12/2021 from 16:45 to 18:30 (CET) via the GoToMeeting platform.
This time, the topic of discussion will be how the EU is stimulating the development of sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal connectivity. A macroregional perspective will be covered by illustrating how the EUSAIR is promoting a more sustainable energy sector. An overview of the Connectivity Agenda for Western Balkans will be provided as well, especially with reference to an extended access to TEN-Ts and core networks.
Implementation of sustainable infrastructures at territorial level will be covered through the Italian experience with the promotion of the Adrioncycleroute flagship as embedded in the IPA/ESIF programming documents. Sustainable connectivity will also be pointed out as a socio-economic driver for maritime tourism and development of tourism destinations in the Adriatic Ionian Region. To this end, Italian and Albanian local public and private stakeholders will be engaged into illustrating practical evidences of connectivity challenges in the area.
Agenda: Y4C_more connected Europe_agenda
Download here the presentations: webinar PPts
The YOUTH4COHESION action receives funding from the European Union