On 29 May 2019 the European Commission adopted the EU Enlargement Package 2019 which is the annual assessment of the implementation of reforms in the candidate and potential candidate countries together with recommendations on reform priorities for those countries involved in the enlargement process.
Each year the Commission adopts an Enlargement package which is a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement. The 2019 package includes a Communication that takes stock of the situation in the candidate countries and potential candidates and sets the next steps of the EU enlargement process.
The Enlargement package has several reports in which the state of play in each candidate country and potential candidate are assessed in detail explaining what has been achieved over the last year. The documents give also the guidelines on reform priorities.
Mostly important, in the same Communication, the Commission recommends the adoption of a Council Decision on the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and Republic on North Macedonia.
The Adriatic Ionian Euroregion warmly welcomes this Communication because it is a concrete step thought the accession of the Albania in the EU.
Furthemore the communication recognises that regional cooperation in the Western Balkans remains an essential element of the enlargement agenda. The Commission proposes also the adoption of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) under the next multiannual financial framework 2021-2027.
More information are available here
EU Enlargement process in the Western Balkan more info here