On June 5th the II BLUEKEP Coordination Meeting took place in Sibenik, Croatia, hosted by the Public Institution Development Agency of Šibenik-Knin County.
Project meetings are an important opportunity for partners to exchange information about the project development, to present and validate deliverables or outputs as well as to highlight issues and ideas, to plan further steps in project implementation and, last but not least, to facilitate communication and networking between partners, on the one hand, and to implement external communication more efficiently.
In this second official meeting, project partners gathered in order to take stock of the activities implemented so far and to plan the work ahead. Administrative and financial activities carried out by the lead partner Informest were presented, and communication deliverables produced by the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion were validated. Moreover, Marche Region presented the monitoring of the cooperation between Italian and Croatian education systems and the related forthcoming activities.
In particular, partners introduced the technical and professional secondary institutes in transportation, logistics and nautical sector, which received accreditation under the call for schools, as well as the guidelines for the forthcoming selection of the 39 students to be involved in mobility that will take place in Spring 2019.
The 45 days mobility will involve 39 students from both Italy and Croatia and will provide them with outstanding school training & apprenticeship opportunities. By these means, the partnership intends to strengthen the capacity of education systems to match labour market needs as a way of both combatting student’s dropout and easing a smoother school-to-work transition. Moreover, by stimulating the creation of well-prepared human resources, it also expects to positively impact SMEs’ competitiveness and regional economies, in turn.
Partners also discussed the methodological and organisational aspects of the Workshop for teachers which will be hosted by Marche Region next October and from which will stem international modules to be added to ordinary school curricula. The Workshop will also be the occasion for comparing the different educational systems across regions of the cross-border area and for agreeing on a shared common assessment and competence/credit recognition scheme. In order to do so and with a view to the capitalisation of previous achievements, partners will retrieve the methodologies and materials from the KEPASS and Blue SKILLS projects.
Bluekep Key Figures: Postcard and contents
For more information: BLUE KEP project description
Contact: bluekep@informest.it