The eleventh Task force of EUSAIR came to the conclusion after the technical working group on the territorial governance objective. Members from the European Commission, the managing authorities and a delegation of partners come from Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Greece and Albania have participated to the meeting that was concluded in Venafro and where Molise Region has played the role of organizer of the event and main actor of the Adriatic-Ionian macro-regional strategy.
It was a great opportunity for the Managing Authorities represented by Mrs. Salvatore Di Paola for the IPA ADRIATIC CBC Program, Mrs. Laura Comeli for the Italy – Slovenia Program, Mrs. Eleni Katsiyianni for the Italy – Greece Program and Mrs. Silvia Grandi for the ADRION Program, to share their individual experiences by providing details on the progress of international cooperation projects, outlining the scene for the next programming period 2014/2020.
The event, coordinated by the general secretary of Adriatic-Ionian Euroregion Francesco Cocco, started at the Castle Pandone in Venafro and culminated with the Roundtable on “The Promotion of territorial excellence” which was held at Santa Chiara Museum.
Giannantonio Ballette, the representative from the European Commission – Directorate General for Urban and Regional Policy – opened the debate with his introductory report after the greetings of the Mayor of Venafro Antonio Sorbo (the President of the Molise Region Paolo di Laura Frattura and the MEP Aldo Patriciello have sent their messages also).
The Head of Research and Development of Neuromed, Emilia Belfiore, gave an impressive speech which showed how medical research is vital for the collaboration with international partners as demonstrated by Neurobiotech project.
The meeting was closed by the relation of mr Mario Ialenti who outlined the steps taken so far in the Italy – Albania – Montenegro Program.
News of the event on the regional TV website, TELEMOLISE, by clicking here.