The registrations for the 19th edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities – #EURegionsWeek, which will be held entirely on-line from 11 to 14 October 2021, are now open.
On 14 October 2021 from 09.30 to 11.00 the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion, in collaboration with Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean (EPM) and the other partners of the MedCooperationAlliance (Intermediterranean Commission of CPMR, Arco Latino and MedCities), will jointly organize the online workshop “MedCoopAlliance: how multilevel governance fosters green transition”.
Enhancing green transition requires a coordinated and synergistic approach where fostering innovative and collaborative governance models is a key issue. Through concrete experiences, local and regional authorities from the MedCoopAlliance, a unique platform of networks in the Mediterranean, will present how they are working to improve coordination among the different levels of governance as well as ensuring better consistency between strategies and projects in order to implement green transition.
The Mediterranean Cooperation Alliance, a coalition of euroregions, regions, local authorities and cities, believes in multilevel governance and Mediterranean cooperation as fundamental drivers for ensuring a better future for people in the Mediterranean and the European Union.
The workshop will present practical examples of multilevel governance and innovative approaches to fostering green transition.
To REGISTER, you just need to follow these simple instructions:
STEP 1 – To access the MedCoopAlliance event on Swapcard, CLICK HERE
STEP 2 – Click on the button “ADD TO MY SCHEDULE” and enter your email, first name, family name and organisation.
STEP 3 – Your profile has been created and you are now registered to the event. You can complete your profile, browse the programme and register to other sessions.
STEP 4 – You can visit the platform any time before and during the event. All the EWRC events are accessible from Swapcard.